I know what you're thinking: "How do I become a member of the EIPHC?"
Well let me tell you, becoming a Pirate of the Prairibbean is easy!

Becoming a member
of the Pirates of the Prairibbean
Anyone and everyone are welcome to join our monthly meetings and socials! (if you're old enough to get into the bar, that is). You can find out more about the club, meet the officers, and sign up right here. If you have Adobe Reader, you can download the application form and mail it in. (if you don't you can download it for free near the bottom of this page). If you have any questions, please send an email to eiphctech@gmail.com. Someone will get back to you as soon as possible.
To see a copy of our bylaws, CLICK HERE.
Parrot Heads in Paradise EIPHC Membership Certificate
The cost of becoming an EIPHC member is very economical. The money helps the club with fundraising events, and more importantly, goes to various local charities (unfortunately, your contribution isn't tax deductible).
If you would like to send a check, please download the MEMBERSHIP FORM and mail it to us with a check made out to EIPHC.
If you would prefer to pay via PayPal, please click below.
Single Membership:
Family Membership: